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Introducing the Together Embeddings endpoint — Higher accuracy, longer context, and lower cost

January 11, 2024


Together AI

Today, we are excited to release the Together Embeddings endpoint! Some of the highlights are:

  • 8 leading embedding models – including models that outperform OpenAI’s ada-002 and Cohere’s Embed-v3 in MTEB and LoCo Benchmarks
  • State-of-the-art long context M2-Retrieval models up to 32k context length
  • Up to 4x cheaper than other popular platforms
  • Integrations with MongoDB, LangChain, and LlamaIndex for RAG
  • A fully OpenAI compatible API to make migrating easy

Text embeddings provide a measure of the similarity or relatedness of given text queries. Therefore, embeddings are used for various applications including clustering, semantic search, and classification. Additionally, there has been an increasing interest in retrieval augmented generation, or RAG, which aims to overcome limitations of generative AI models, such as a lack of knowledge from unseen data, by finding relevant information from a given knowledge base through embeddings and providing the information to a generative model. 

Together Embeddings endpoint is available today with 8 open source embeddings models, including top models from the MTEB leaderboard (Massive Text Embedding Benchmark), such as UAE-Large-v1 and BGE models, and the newly released M2-BERT retrieval models for long context (2k, 8k, 32k). See the full list of embeddings models here.

These models achieve state-of-the-art performance in MTEB showing comparable or even better accuracies than closed models. Additionally, M2-BERT retrieval models significantly outperform other closed models in long context retrieval tasks. This means you can now generate embeddings for long documents without splitting them into many short chunks while containing more meaningful contexts in the embeddings. You can also access these powerful models at very competitive prices (up to 4x cheaper) as seen in the pricing graph below. 

Similar to our Inference endpoint, we will continue to add top open source embeddings models to our platform, so that our developers can continue to build successful AI applications! Request new embeddings models by filling out this form.

OpenAI API Compatibility

The Together Embeddings endpoint has full OpenAI compatibility so if you have already built your applications following the OpenAI API you can easily switch it out:

from openai import OpenAI
client = OpenAI(api_key=TOGETHER_API_KEY, base_url="")

def get_embedding(text, model="togethercomputer/m2-bert-80M-32k-retrieval"):
   text = text.replace("\n", " ")
   return client.embeddings.create(input = [text], model=model).data[0].embedding

Building RAG with Together Embeddings

One of the most popular use cases of embeddings models is building a Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) system. You can now build RAG using Together API and popular vector databases such as MongoDB, Pinecone, and Chroma or by leveraging frameworks such as LangChain and LlamaIndex. Check out the following blogs where we give you a deep-dive tutorial on how to build RAG using Together with MongoDB, using Together with LangChain, or using Together with LlamaIndex. You can learn more in our documentation.

Data Visualization Example

Embeddings can be used in various applications. In this section, we will take a look at how to use the Together Embeddings endpoint to visualize sample data from various domains of RedPajama-v1 Sample. The following code snippet shows an example of how to use one of the listed models, M2-BERT-Retrieval-8K (API string: togethercomputer/m2-bert-80M-8k-retrieval), for data visualization.

First, define functions to extract samples from a data file and generate embeddings using the Together API. 

import json, os

import numpy as np
import together

together.api_key = 

def generate_embeddings(input_texts: List[str], model_api_string: str) -> List[List[float]]:
    """Generate embeddings from Together API.

        input_texts: a list of string input texts.
        model_api_string: str. An API string for a specific embedding model of your choice.

        embeddings_list: a list of embeddings. Each element corresponds to the each input text.
    client = together.Together()
    outputs = client.embeddings.create(
    return [x.embedding for x in]

def sample_and_extract_embeddings(data_path: str, model_api_string: str, num_samples: int = -1, context_length=512) -> np.ndarray:
    """Sample data examples and extract embeddings for each example.

        data_path: str. A path to the data file. It should be in the .jsonl format.
        model_api_string: str. An API string for a specific embedding model of your choice.
        num_samples: int. The number of data examples to sample.
        context_length: int. The max context length of the model (model_api_string).

        embeddings: np.ndarray with num_samples by m where m is the embedding dimension.

    max_num_chars = context_length * 4 # Assuming that each token is about 4 characters.
    embeddings = []
    count = 0
    print(f"Reading from {data_path}")
    with open(data_path, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
                ex = json.loads(line)
                total_chars = len(ex['text'])
                if total_chars < max_num_chars:
                    text_ls = [ex['text']]
                    text_ls = [ex['text'][i : i + max_num_chars] for i in range(0, total_chars, max_num_chars)]                
                embeddings.extend(generate_embeddings_batch(text_ls[:min(len(text_ls), num_samples-count)], model_api_string))
                count += min(len(text_ls), num_samples-count)
            except Exception as e:
                print(f'Error occurred while loading the JSON file of {data_path} with the error message {e}.')
            if count >= num_samples:
    return np.array(embeddings)

The dimension of embedding vectors is usually too large to easily visualize. For M2-BERT-Retrieval-8K, the embedding dimension is 768. To plot each data example in 2D, we will use tSNE to transform the embedding vectors.

import os
import argparse
from typing import List

import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
import numpy as np

def transform_tSNE(arr: np.ndarray, n_components: int, perplexity: int) -> np.ndarray:
    """Transform the given ndarray using a tSNE model.

        arr: np.ndarray. In this example, an embedding matrix (n by m), where n is the number of examples and m equals to the embedding dimension.
        n_components: int. The number of components for tSNE.
        perplexity: int. Perplexity for tSNE.

        vis_dims: np.ndarray. A transformed matrix of n by n_components.
    tsne = TSNE(n_components=n_components, perplexity=perplexity, random_state=42, init='random')
    vis_dims = tsne.fit_transform(arr)
    return vis_dims

def plot_embeddings(embed_arr_ls: List[np.ndarray], n_components: int, names: List[str], perplexity: int):
    """Plot transformed embedding vectors with predefined labels.

        embed_arr_ls: a list of np.ndarray. Each np.ndarray is a matrix with embeddings corresponding to data examples.
        n_components: int. The number of components for tSNE.
        names: a list of str. The names of the data sources. The length of this list should be the same as the length of embed_arr_ls.

    vis_dims = transform_tSNE(np.concatenate(embed_arr_ls), n_components, perplexity)

    colors = ["red", "blue", "green", "orange", "purple"]
    colormap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(colors)
    color_indices = []
    for label in range(len(embed_arr_ls)):
        color_indices += [label] * len(embed_arr_ls[label])
    assert (len(vis_dims) == len(color_indices))
    x = [x for x,y in vis_dims]
    y = [y for x,y in vis_dims]

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.scatter(x, y, c=color_indices, cmap=colormap, alpha=0.3)
    for label in range(len(embed_arr_ls)):
        color = colors[label]
        label_indices = [i for i, value in enumerate(color_indices) if value == label]
        avg_x = np.array(x)[label_indices].mean()
        avg_y = np.array(y)[label_indices].mean()
        ax.scatter(avg_x, avg_y, marker='x', color=color, s=100, label=names[label])

    plt.title("RedPajama-v1 sample data visualized in language using t-SNE")

In the main script, run the following to display the plot:

# Define values.
data_dir =  # where the sample dataset is downloaded.
model = "togethercomputer/m2-bert-80M-8k-retrieval" # You can use a different model.
context_length = 8192
num_samples = 50
filenames = ["arxiv_sample.jsonl", "book_sample.jsonl", "c4_sample.jsonl", "github_sample.jsonl", "stackexchange_sample.jsonl"]

embedding_ls = []
for f_name in filenames:
    embed_arr = sample_and_extract_embeddings(
    	os.path.join(data_dir, f_name),
plot_embeddings(embedding_ls, n_components=2, names=filenames, perplextiy=15)

As expected, texts from each data source are somewhat closely located. We can also see the similarities between github and stackexchange, and between book and c4, while github and book are less related.

Get Started with Together API

Data visualization is just one of many use cases where embeddings can be used. Explore what you can do using embeddings by accessing all the models on our platform through the Together API. For more information, see our documentation.

  • Lower
  • faster
  • network

Q: Should I use the RedPajama-V2 Dataset out of the box?

RedPajama-V2 is conceptualized as a pool of data that serves as a foundation for creating high quality datasets. The dataset is thus not intended to be used out of the box and, depending on the application, data should be filtered out using the quality signals that accompany the data. With this dataset, we take the view that the optimal filtering of data is dependent on the intended use. Our goal is to provide all the signals and tooling that enables this.

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